Do you wish to be a distributor of Esblada Medical products?

Esblada Medical seeks companies willing to distribute their products.

If you work in a company with a strong commercial character, either in the field of hospital information systems or of pathology instruments distribution, and you are interested in being our distributor, complete the following form and we will contact you:

What are the benefits?

Provide your customers with security, efficiency and high-added value service.

Provide your current customers with a set of products that are totally adapted to the sector and highly robust.

Create synergies within your company by expanding your portfolio with Esblada Medical products.

What type of company can be a distributor?

Companies that distribute technological solutions to the hospital sector and that wish to provide the pathology department with coverage.

Distribution companies of instrumentation for pathology departments.

Companies supplying pathology reagents.

Information request form to become a distributor

Company name
Contact person
What does your company do?
What is your market / country?
What is the current structure of your company (activity, departments, workers)?
How have you heard of us?
EMS Pathology Medical Solutions S.L.
Attend and assess your request to be distributor of our products.
Your personal data will not be sent, except in the case of legal obligation.
Titular rights
Access, rectification, supresion, portability, treatement limitation, and treatment opposition, addressing to the mail:
System Certification ISO-9001HP Partner© 2022 - Esblada Medical. All rights reserved.
escudo de MEIC 17/09/2023